Salads On The Go
Accordion-style brochure from Meals in a jar series that contains 6 nutritious salad recipes.
Smoothies 2 Recipe Booklet
Full colour, smoothie recipe filled brochure.
Snacks & Dental Health
Brochure for parents and health professionals on keeping a healthy smile.
Spotlight on Protein
Double-sided handout highlights importance of choosing a variety of protein foods to support good health.
Surprising Things You May Not Know About Calcium
Fact sheet with information on calcium and milk products and their importance on bone health.
Variety and Tips for Lunches
Simple tips for what to pack in a nourishing lunch, as well as how to have enjoyable and stress-less meals.
Weight stigma and Food neutrality Posters
The posters are intended for all ages and the brochures provide accompanying information for adult learners/educators.